If you are unsure where to find the information on KODAK Solar Products you need, read this simple guide to fast-track to your solar solution.

Where can I find…

A summary of solar?

The KODAK Solar homepage gives a rundown of solar energy.

You can scroll down to find the helpful ‘Savings Calculator’, too. This tool shows you typically how much energy you would be using at any point in the day and, therefore, how much you could be saving if you choose to power your home with solar.

Perhaps you are already set on switching to solar but want to know why you should choose KODAK Solar Products. If so, there are six simple reasons why the choice is so straightforward…

Guidance for my home or business?

KODAK Solar Products are ideal for residential homes and small business sites.

The helpful Homeowners Guide explains why you should get started with solar energy at home. As well as reducing your electricity bills each month, going solar at home gives you security and protection from any increases in national power prices. What’s more, you can rely on the sun’s energy to keep your home powered when the grid fails, so you always have energy when you need it most. And finally, you can live your life the way you want to live it while also doing your bit for the environment.

As a Small Business Owner, you may be hesitant to switch to solar as it can feel like a more daunting investment than installing a PV system at home. However, getting solar at your business is more cost-effective than running a polluting diesel generator and often means you have surplus power that can be sold back to the grid or stored for later use.

Details of the products

The KODAK Solar portfolio has expanded significantly since the beginning of 2020, particularly with the recent launch of the all-new battery and off-grid inverter. If you are unsure whether your site requires a grid-tied, hybrid or off-grid inverter, each product features a clear description to help you understand what is best for your project.

For an aesthetic, coffee-table style overview of KODAK Solar Products, you can download the gorgeous free brochure. This flip-through booklet has all the essential information you need about the products and packages, as well as details about how solar will benefit you and how you can get in touch.

A solution to load shedding?

Have you viewed the all-new packages yet? The solar experts have created three clear packages which meet specific load shedding requirements. Whether you need a little boost to keep a handful of appliances running during load shedding or plan to be entirely reliant on solar during blackouts, there is a package for you.

Explore the Entry Level, High Power and MAX Power packages today and discover how KODAK Solar Products could be the answer to your energy freedom.

Regular news and updates?

The News section is regularly updated with informative articles on a variety of topics — from company updates to topical industry news about solar energy in South Africa. If you are after tips and tricks about how to save money on your electricity bills, go greener at work or are curious to know whether solar is actually worth it in South Africa, keep an eye on the KODAK Solar blog!

An installer?

Finding a reputable installer who is both local to you and skilled in KODAK Solar Products may feel like an impossible task. Yet, all you need to do is fill in the speedy Find an installer form, and you will be contacted by an installer who meets all the criteria.

Still got questions about KODAK Solar? Drop an email to info@bluemountainpv.co.za with any solar queries you may have.